I feel like I would use the activities in Thing #11 in my classroom. I had fun with the trading card.

I made one for my daughter because I would not trade her for the world. She is a collector's item! I think my first graders would enjoy getting a trading card with their picture. I went to
Big Huge Labs. I picked out a color. Then selected a picture from my computer. It downloaded the picture quickly. I typed a short title and description for the trading card. It took very little time. Next, I made a cute Post-it-Note

Sign Generator for you guys to remind you to keep up with your Google Reader reading. I thought this would be fun to put on my students writing assignments to encourage their writing! This was short and sweet too, easy to apply in the classroom! My husband will love this next one of the Aggie pennant.I found it at
Image Chef. It would be great for College Week. They could make them for our bulletin board or our door. This was another quick,easy and fun thing for your class.
I don't see your last image. Does it show up on your computer?