Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #14

Wow! That was a very inspiring story by Vickie Davis. It was fun to hear how the kids were so inspired about learning by just adding more technology like Wikis to the curriculum! The article really reeled me in to wanting to know more about using Wikis in the classroom.
I really love the Primary Math Wiki by Cassidy. It was easy to read because of using simple bullets. The kids could easily follow this for themselves. I love the idea of having the answer to the math problems hidden. Then when you were ready to check your answer all you had to go was run the mouse over the problem. AWESOME! It blew my mind! How do you do something like that?????? Also, this teacher was great connecting other teachers and classes together to share ideas, thoughts, and postings! She could make a community come together very quickly. The next wiki that I would like to comment on is Schools in the Past. Wow! I admire the way that this teacher got parents, students, and grandparents together to share information. This is a quick inquiry research project. She made a complicated activity very simple to do! Last of all, Kindergarten Counting Book
wiki was a great way to use the digital camera. I thought about doing this to show our 100 day creations that we have made in the past. It was very creative! I like how each student got to take ownership of his project by adding his name near his picture creation.

Wiki are a great tool for the classroom. It will allow all of us to work together to better our children! LOVE IT!

I am starting to get a lot of stray text or link codes on my blogs, any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Make sure when you're writing/editing that you're on in HTML mode (there is a tap in the top right corner of your text box). It makes everything look strange.
