Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thing #23

I really enjoyed classroom 2.0 but I didn't understand how you could search for forum topics, I just had to browse from most popular or recently submitted. The one I spent the most time reading instead of skipping was Promethean vs Smart Boards. I enjoyed reading the commits. It made me thankful for our school district for providing Title 1 schools with this technology. I did see Promethean Planet referenced a lot. I do like promethean boards better because there appears to be more free things to use in the classroom. Using the Ning Networks related to education I found a networking group that I liked for my classroom. It was titled The Way We Are Classroom Project where collaborative learning takes place with children from different places around the world using E-Pal. I am just amazed everyday with the social networking out in cyberspace! Hope your having a great evening!

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